//To find the dimensions of the clutch plate and the total axial pressure which must be exerted by the springs. clc //given ratio=1.25 u=.675 P=12//hp //W=P*%pi*(r1^2-r2^2); Total axal thrust. //M=u*W*(r1+r2); Total friction moemnt //reducing the two equations and using ratio=1.25(r1=1.25*r2) we get, M=u*21.2*r2^3 ReqM=65//lb ft RM=ReqM*12//lb in r2=(RM/(u*P*%pi*(1.25^2-1)))^(1/3) r1=1.25*r2 d1=r1*2 d2=r2*2 printf("The dimensions of the friction surfaces are:\nOuter Diameter= %.1f in\nInner Diameter= %.1f in\n",d1,d2)