//To find the extreme angular velocities of the driven shaft and its maximum acceleration clc //given rpm=1000 angle=20//degree ang=(angle*%pi)/180 printf("\n") w=2*%pi*rpm/60 printf("The angular velocity of the driving shaft is %.1f rad/s \n",w) //maximum value of w1=w/cos(angle) and minimum value w2=w*cos(angle) w1=w/cos(ang) w2=w*cos(ang) printf("Extreme angular velocities :-\n") printf("maximum value of angular velocity w1=%.1f rad/s \nminimum value of angular velocity w2=%.1f rad/s\n",w1,w2) //using equation 4.11, cos(2x)=(2*sin(angle)^2)/(2-sin(angle)^2) x=acos((2*sin(ang)^2)/(2-sin(ang)^2))*180/(%pi) y=360-x//for cosine inverse, angle and 360-angle are same and must be considered x1=x/2 y1=y/2 printf("The acceleration of driven shaft is a maximum when theta =%.2f or %.2f degrees\n",x1,y1) amax=(w^2*cos(ang)*(sin(ang)^2)*sin(x*%pi/180))/((1-((cos(x1*%pi/180)^2)*(sin(ang)^2)))^2)//maximum angular acceleration, numerically printf("Maximum angular acceleration is %.f rad/s^2\n",amax)