//To determine parameters of 4 pole induction motor considering circuit parameters clc; clear; R1=0.5; R2=0.35; X1=1.2; X2=X1; Xm=25; f=50; p=4; Pd=25*735.5; // Power Developed Prl=800;// Rotational Losses V=400; Vph=V/sqrt(3); Ns=120*f/p; s=2.5/100; Nr=(1-s)*Ns; rf=s*f; // Rotor Frequency Z1=R1+(%i*X1); Z2=(R2/s)+(%i*X2); Zm=%i*Xm; Z2m=(Zm*Z2)/(Zm+Z2); Zeff=Z1+Z2m; // Effective Impedance Is= Vph/Zeff; // Stator Current Psc= 3*(abs(Is)^2)*R1; // Copper Loss in the Stator Ztheta= atand(imag(Zeff)/real(Zeff)); // Phase angle of impedance Ctheta= atand(imag(Is)/real(Is)); // Phase angle of current pf= cosd(Ctheta);// Lagging Power Factor Ir=Is*(Zm/(Zm+Z2));// Rotor Current Prc= 3*(abs(Ir)^2)*R2; // Rotor Copper Loss Pim= sqrt(3)*V*abs(Is)*cosd(Ctheta); // Power input to the motor Pom= Pim-Prc-Psc-Prl; // Power Output to the motor eff=Pom*100/Pim; // Efficiency printf('For a rotor slip of 2.5 percent at rated voltage and frequency \n'); printf('i) The motor speed = %g rpm \n',Nr) printf('ii) The stator Current = %g /_%g A \n',abs(Is),Ctheta) printf('iii) The p.f = %g lagging \n',pf) printf('iv) The efficiency = %g percent \n',eff)