//To determine the value of RL for Max power transfer clc; clear; Vs=10/sqrt(2); // RMS Value of Voltage //Resistances of the circuit from the Source side R1=10; R2=15; R3=20; R4=5; R5=10; Ref1=R3+(R1*R2/(R1+R2)); Ref2=R5+(Ref1*R4/(Ref1+R4)); Rab=Ref2; // Characteristic Loop Equation of the first two loops for current flowing in clockwise direction //25i1-15i2 = 10/(2^0.5) //-15i1+40i2 = 0 Z=[10 25;-15 40]; V=[Vs;0]; I=inv(Z)*V; i1=I(1); i2=I(2); Vth=i2*R4; Powtrns=(Vth^2)/(4*Rab); printf('The value of resistance RL for maximum power transfer = %g ohms\n',Rab) printf('The value of power transfered = %g mW\n',Powtrns*1000)