//To find the current through the branch AB clc; clear; Zl=2; // Resistor Across AB // Voltage Sources V1=20; V2=10; //Resistances in order as seen from 20 V side exculding the resistance between A and B R1=2; R2=2; R3=2; R4=4; R5=4; // Characteristic Equation //10i1-4i2 =10 //-4i1+8i2 =10 Z=[10 -4; -4 8]; // Resistance Matrix V=[10;10]; // Effective Voltages Matrix I=inv(Z)*V; // Current Matrix i1=I(1); i2=I(2); Vth=V1-(i1*(R1+R2)); Reff=R4*R5/(R4+R5); // Effective resistance of R4 and R5 (Parallel) Rt1=Reff+R3; // Effective Resistance on right side of AB Rt2=R1+R2; // Effective Resistance on left side of AB Zth=Rt1*Rt2/(Rt1+Rt2); Current= Vth/(Zl+Zth); // Current Through branch AB printf('The Current through branch AB = %g A\n',Current)