//Chapter 1 //Example 1.15 //Page 38 clear; clc; STF = 33; t1 = 1.5; t2 = 0.75; T1 = 20; T2 = 41; bi = STF*T1; bf = STF*T2; e = 2.718 //Finding the error in temperature represents printf("The value of b(0.75) is %.1f mV \n",bi+(bf-bi)*[1-e^(-t2/t1)]); printf("This corresponds to an indicated temperature of %.1f degree celcius\n",(bi+(bf-bi)*[1-e^(-t2/t1)])/STF); printf("So the error is %.1f degree celcius because the actual temperature is 41 degree celcius \n",T2-((bi+(bf-bi)*[1-e^(-t2/t1)])/STF));