clc; clear; printf("\t\t\tChapter9_example6\n\n\n"); // Using the effectiveness-NTU method to calculate the outlet temperatures of the fluids // Data from Example 9.5 // properties of (distilled) water at 104°F m_1=170000; // mass flow rate in lbm/hr T1=110; // temperature in degree F cp_1=0.998; // specific heat BTU/(lbm-degree Rankine) // properties of (raw) water at 68°F m_2=150000; // mass flow rate in lbm/hr t1=65; // temperature in degree F cp_2=0.9988; // specific heat BTU/(lbm-degree Rankine) Uo=350; // exchanger coefficient Ao=703.7; // The effectiveness-NTU approach is used when the overall heat transfer coefficient is known // determining the capacitances mcp_raw=m_2*cp_2; mcp_distilled=m_1*cp_1; printf("\nThe capacitance value of raw water is %d BTU/(hr. degree R)",mcp_raw); printf("\nThe capacitance value of distilled water is %d BTU/(hr. degree R)",mcp_distilled); if mcp_raw>mcp_distilled then mcp_max=mcp_raw; mcp_min=mcp_distilled; printf("\nDistilled water has minimum capacitance"); else mcp_max=mcp_distilled; mcp_min=mcp_raw; printf("\nRaw water has minimum capacitance"); end // determination of parameters for determining effectiveness mcp_min_max=mcp_min/mcp_max; UA_mcpmin=(Uo*Ao)/(mcp_min); printf("\nThe required parameters are mcp_min/mcp_max=%.3f and (UoAo/mcp_min)=%.2f",mcp_min_max,UA_mcpmin); effectiveness=0.58; //value of effectiveness from figure 9.15 corresponding to the above calculated values of capacitance ratio and (UoAo/mcp_min) qmax=mcp_min*(T1-t1); printf("\nThe maximum heat transfer is %.2e BTU/hr",qmax); q=effectiveness*qmax; // actual heat transfer printf("\nThe actual heat transfer is %.2e BTU/hr",q); t2=(q/mcp_raw)+t1; T2=T1-(q/mcp_distilled); printf("\nThe Outlet temperatures are:\n\tRaw Water:%.1f degree F\n\tDistilled Water:%.1f degree F\n",t2,T2);