clc; clear; printf("\t\t\tChapter4_example6\n\n\n"); // properties of aluminium from appendix table B1 k_al=236; p_al=2.7*1000; c_al=896; // properties of oak from appendix table B3 k_oak=0.19; p_oak=0.705*1000; c_oak=2390; sqrt_kpc_al=sqrt(k_al*p_al*c_al); printf("\nThe square root of kpc product of aluminium is %.2e sq.W.s/(m^4.sq.K)",sqrt_kpc_al); kpc_R=4; T_Li=20; T_Ri=37.3; T_al=(T_Li*(sqrt_kpc_al)+T_Ri*sqrt(kpc_R))/(sqrt_kpc_al+sqrt(kpc_R)); printf("\nThe temperature of aluminium is felt as %.1f degree celsius",T_al); sqrt_kpc_oak=sqrt(k_oak*p_oak*c_oak); printf("\nThe square root of kpc product of oak is %.2e sq.W.s/(m^4.sq.K)",sqrt_kpc_oak); T_oak=(T_Li*(sqrt_kpc_oak)+T_Ri*sqrt(kpc_R))/(sqrt_kpc_oak+sqrt(kpc_R)); printf("\nThe temperature of oak is felt as %.1f degree celsius",T_oak); if (T_al>T_oak) then printf("\nThe aluminium will feel warmer."); elseif (T_al