clc; clear; printf("\t\t\tChapter4_example5\n\n\n"); hc=6; D=0.105; k=0.3; c=0.41; sp_gr=2.1; rou_water=62.4; alpha=k/(sp_gr*rou_water*c); printf("\nThe diffusivity of the soil is %.2e sq.ft/hr",alpha); t=3*30*24; printf("\nTime in hours is %d hr",t); // Bi_sqrt(Fo) is infinite T_inf=10; Ts=10; T=32; T_i=70; dimensionless_temp=(T-T_i)/(T_inf-T_i); printf("\nThe dimensionless temperature is %.4f",dimensionless_temp); variable_fig4_12=0.38; //The value of x/(2*(alpha*t)^0.5) from figure 4.12 x=2*sqrt(alpha*t)*variable_fig4_12; printf("\nThe depth of the freeze line in soil is %.2f ft",x);