clc // Given that r1 = 1/3 // ratio of intensity of transmitted light to the intensity of transmitted beam in first case r2 = 1/3 // ratio of intensity of transmitted light to the intensity of incident beam in second case p = 50 // percentage reduction in intensity of unpolarized light by the sheet // Sample Problem 8 on page no. 3.25 printf("\n # PROBLEM 8 # \n") theta1 = acosd(sqrt(r1)) // calculation for the angle between characteristics directions of the sheet in first case theta2 = acosd(sqrt(2*r2)) // calculation for the angle between characteristics directions of the sheet in second case printf("\n Standard formula used \n theta = acosd(sqrt(r)). \n") printf("\n The angle between characteristics directions of the sheet in first case = %f degree. \n the angle between characteristics directions of the sheet in second case = %f degree.",theta1,theta2)