// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clc; disp("Principles of Heat Transfer, 7th Ed. Frank Kreith et. al Chapter - 9 Example # 9.18 ") //Emissivity epsilon = 0.8; //Stefan's constant sigma = 0.1714; //Temperature of walls in degree F Twall = 440; //Temperature indicated ny thermocouple in degree F Tt = 940; //Heat transfer coefficient in Btu/h ft2 F h = 25; //The temperature of the thermocouple is below the gas temperature because the couple loses heat by radiation to the wall. //Under steady-state conditions the rate of heat flow by radiation from the thermocouple junction to the wall equals the rate of heat flow by convection from the gas to the couple. //Using this heat balance, q/A in Btu/h ft2 q = (epsilon*sigma)*(((Tt+460)/100)^4-((Twall+460)/100)^4); disp("True gas temperature in degree F") //True gas temperature in degree F Tg = Tt+q/h