// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clc; disp("Principles of Heat Transfer, 7th Ed. Frank Kreith et. al Chapter - 7 Example # 7.1 ") //Diameter in m D = 0.3; //Cruising speed in m/s Uinfinity = 150; //At an altitude of 7500 m the standard atmospheric air pressure is 38.9 kPa and the density of the air is 0.566 kg/m3 (From Table 38 in Appendix 2). rho = 0.566; //Dynamic viscosity in kgm/s mu = 0.0000174; //Prandtl number Pr = 0.72; //Thermal conductivity in W/mK k = 0.024; //The heat transfer coefficient at the stagnation point (0) is, according to Eq. (7.2) disp("Heat transfer coefficient at stagnation point in W/m2K") //Heat transfer coefficient at stagnation point in W/m2K h = (((k*1.14)*((((rho*Uinfinity)*D)/mu)^0.5))*(Pr^0.4))/D disp("Distribution of the convection heat trans-fer coefficient over the forward portion of the wing") for o = 0:15:75 //o is the parameter used in the loop //convection heat trans-fer coefficients in W/m2K ho = h*(1-(o/90)^3); // L.26: No simple equivalent, so mtlb_fprintf() is called. mtlb_fprintf("At an angle of %5.2f degree, heat transfer coeffcient is %5.2f\n",o,ho) end;