clc; n=3; // no of segment L=[600,650,250];//mm, Lengths of segment AB , BC and CA respectively x=[300,300,0];//mm, x components of centroids of segment AB , BC and CA respectively y=[0,125,125];//mm, y components of centroids of segment AB , BC and CA respectively sumL=0; sumxL=0; sumyL=0; for(i=1:n) sumL=sumL+L(i); sumxL=sumxL+x(i)*L(i); sumyL=sumyL+y(i)*L(i); end //Location of centre of gravity X=sumxL/sumL;// X co-ordinate Y=sumyL/sumL;// Y co=ordinate printf("Co-ordinates of centroid are X= %.0f mm and Y= %.0f mm \n",X,Y);