clc; // Given forces with direction shown by sign -ve to downwards, +ve for upwards. j shows that firceis along y direction f1=150;//N, j f2=-600;//N, j f3=100;//N , j f4=-250;//N,j //a) force couple system at A R=f1+f2+f3+f4;//N, j Resultant force, sum of all forces //M_RA=sum(r*f) M_RA=1.6*f2+2.8*f3+4.8*f4;//m, k sum of moments by each force printf("Equivalent force couple system at A is thus R= %.2f N and M_RA= %.2f N.m \n",R,M_RA); //B) Force couple system at B BA=-4.8;//m, i M_RB=M_RA+BA*R;//N.m printf("Equivalent force couple system at B is thus R= %.2f N and M_RB= %.2f N.m \n",R,M_RB); //c)single force or resultant // r*R=M_RA //x.i * (-600N)j=-(1800N.m)k x=M_RA/R;//m, distance of point of application from A printf("Equivalent single force is defined as at R= %.2f N and acts at x= %.2f m \n",R,x);