//Caption:Program to determine the system gain //Example 8.5 //Page 405 //Refer to table 8.2 and figure 8.8 on page 394 dr=565//data rate wl=1550*10^-9//wavelength disp('The use of 5B6B line code implies the line data rate is,') 565*(6/5) //678Mbps disp('The receiver sensitivity for 678 Mbps is determined from fig 8.8 or table 8.2 as ') rsen=-34.5 A=(-5-rsen)//system gain BDP=[500/(17*0.4)] BDPs=[73.6/0.678] lossp=(0.2+0.2)*(65) lossm=A-lossp //Result //System gain = 29.5 dB //BDP = 73.6 Gbps //BDP spacing = 109 km //Path Loss = 26 dB //Loss Margin = 3.5 dB