printf("the second order control system has transfer function Q(s)/T(s)=1/(J*s^2+f*s+k)"); printf("given T(s)= 10/s"); printf("Q(s)=1/(s*(J*s^2+f*s+k)"); printf("characterstic equation of the given system is J*s^2+f*s+k =0"); printf("compare it with the standard second order characterstic equation s^2+2*d*w*s+w^2=0"); k=10/0.5; d1=log(0.06); d=sqrt(d1^2/(d1^2+%pi^2)); w=%pi/sqrt(1-d^2); j=k/w^2; f=2*d*w*j; disp(d,"damping ratio="); disp(w,"undamped natural frequency(in rad/sec)="); disp(k,"value of K="); disp(j,"value of J="); disp(f,"value of f=");