//Example 2.5 clc disp("It is necessary to analyze each network to determine the critical frequency of the amplifier") disp("(a) Input RC Network") disp(" fc = 1 / 2*pi*R_in*C1") format(6) rin=(100*100)/(100+100) disp(rin,"where R_in(in M-ohm) = RG || R_in(gate) = RG || |VGS/IGSS| =") format(5) fc1=1/(2*%pi*50*10^6*0.001*10^-6) disp(fc1,"Therefore, fc(in Hz) =") disp("(b) Output RC Network") format(6) fc2=1/(2*%pi*(24.2*10^3)*(1*10^-6)) disp(fc2," fc(in Hz) = 1 / 2*pi*(RD+RL)*C2 =") disp("We have calculated two critical frequencies") disp("(a) fc(input) = 3.18 Hz") disp("(b) fc(output) = 6.577 Hz")