clear; clc; R=55;L=0.6*(10^-3);G=1*(10^-6);C=0.04*(10^-6);f=800;r=8;l=0.1;d=2.5; //value of l(loading coil inductance) as taken in solution w=2*%pi*f; Z=round(R+(%i*w*L)); Y=G+(%i*w*C); Zo=sqrt(Z/Y); P=round(sqrt(Z*Y)*10^4)/10^4; Zc=r+(%i*w*l); A=fix(((cosh(P*d))+(Zc*(sinh(P*d))/(2*Zo)))*10^3)/10^3; Pl=(acosh(A))/d; al=real(Pl); bl=imag(Pl); printf("New value of attenuation constant = %f neper/km\n",round(al*100)/100); printf(" New value of phase constant = %f rad/km\n",round(bl*1000)/1000); Lc=L+(l/(d*10^3)); Fc=1/(3.14*(sqrt(Lc*C*d))); printf(" Cutoff frequency = %f * 10^4 Hz",round(Fc*10^-2)/10^2); //the difference in result is due to erroneous value in textbook. disp("The difference in result is due to erroneous value in textbook")