// Electric Machinery and Transformers // Irving L kosow // Prentice Hall of India // 2nd editiom // Chapter 7: PARALLEL OPERATION // Example 7-8 clear; clc; close; // Clear the work space and console. // Given data // EMF's are opposed exactly by 180 degrees E_gp1 = 200 ; // Terminal voltage of alternator 1 in volt E_gp2 = 220 ; // Terminal voltage of alternator 2 in volt R_a1 = 0.2 ; // armature resistance of alternator 1 in ohm R_a2 = 0.2 ; // armature resistance of alternator 2 in ohm X_a1 = 2 ; // armature reactance of alternator 1 in ohm X_a2 = 2 ; // armature reactance of alternator 2 in ohm Z_p1 = R_a1 + %i*X_a1 ; // Effective impedance of alternator 1 in ohm Z_p2 = R_a1 + %i*X_a2 ; // Effective impedance of alternator 2 in ohm // Switches are closed at the proper instant for paralleling. // Calculations // case a E_r = (E_gp2 - E_gp1) ; // Effective voltage generated in volt I_s = E_r / (Z_p1 + Z_p2); // Synchronizing current in the armature in A I_s_m = abs(I_s);//I_s_m=magnitude of I_s in A I_s_a = atan(imag(I_s) /real(I_s))*180/%pi;//I_s_a=phase angle of I_s in degrees P_2 = E_gp2 * I_s_m * cosd(I_s_a); // Generator action developed by alternator 2 in W // case b theta = I_s_a; // P_1 = E_gp1 * I_s_m * cosd(180 - theta) // P_1 = -E_gp1 * I_s_m * cosd(theta), P_1 = -E_gp1 * I_s_m * cosd(theta); // Synchronizing power received by alternator 1 in W // case c // but consider +ve vlaue for P_1 for finding losses, so P1 = abs(P_1); losses = P_2 - P1 ; // Power losses in both armatures in W check = E_r * I_s_m * cosd(I_s_a); // Verifying losses by Eq.7-7 double_check = (I_s_m)^2 * (R_a1 + R_a2); // Verifying losses by Eq.7-7 // case d V_p2 = E_gp2 - I_s*Z_p1 ; // Generator action V_p1 = E_gp1 + I_s*Z_p1 ; // Motor action // Display the results disp("Example 7-8 Solution : "); printf(" \n a: E_r = %d V ",E_r); printf(" \n I_s = %.2f <%.2f A ", I_s_m, I_s_a ); printf(" \n P_2 = %.1f W (total power delivered by alternator 2 ) \n", P_2); printf(" \n b: P_1 = %f W (synchronizing power received by alternator 1)",P_1); printf(" \n Note:Scilab considers phase angle of I_s as %f instead ",I_s_a); printf(" \n of -84.3 degrees,so slight variation in the answer P_1.\n"); printf(" \n c: Consider +ve value of P_1 for calculating losses"); printf(" \n Losses: P_2 - P_1 = %.1f W ",losses ); printf(" \n Check: E_a*I_s*cos(theta) = %.1f W ",check ); printf(" \n Double check : (I_s)^2*(R_a1+R_a2) = %.1f W as given in Eq.(7-1)",double_check ); printf("\n\n d: From Fig.7-14, V_p2, the terminal phase voltage of "); printf(" \n alternator 2, is, from Eq.(7-1)"); printf(" \n V_p2 = %d V (generator action)\n\n From section 7-2.1 ",V_p2); printf(" \n V_p1 = %d V ( motor action)\n",V_p1); printf(" \n e: The phasor diagram is shown in Fig.7-14.");