clear() //clc() printf("Example 3 : Display the calendar of the current month and of a date \nentered by the user ") printf("\n**********************************************************\n") printf("Answer :\n\n\n") printf("The current date is %s whose calendar is ",date()) ct=calendar() clc(19) disp(ct(1)) disp(ct(2)) disp(ct(3)) printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") printf("Enter a date whose calendar is to be displayed \n") x=input('Enter in the format [dd,mm,yyyy],ALONG WITH THE PARENTHESIS ') ct=calendar(x(3),x(2)) clc(21) disp(ct(1)) disp(ct(2)) disp(ct(3)) printf("\n\nEntered Date is %d - %d - %d \n",x(1),x(2),x(3)) printf("\n***********************************************************")