//Exam:3.16 clc; clear; close; N_a1=4*(1/4)+1;//Number of atoms contained in (100) plane r=1.75*10^(-7);//radius of lead atom (in mm) a_1=2*2^(1/2)*r;//edge of unit cell in case of (100) plane PD_100=N_a1/(a_1^2);//Planar density of plane (100) N_a2=4*(1/4)+2*(1/2);//Number of atoms contained in (110) plane a_21=4*r;//top edge of the plane (110) a_22=2*2^(1/2)*r;//vertical edge of the plane (110) PD_110=N_a2/(a_21*a_22);//Planar density of plane (110) N_a3=3*(1/6)+3/2;//Number of atom contained in (111) plane Ar_111=4*(3^(1/2))*r^2;//area of (111) plane PD_111=N_a3/Ar_111;//Planar density of plane (111) disp(PD_100,'Planar density of plane 100(in atoms/mm^2)='); disp(PD_110,'Planar density of plane 110(in atoms/mm^2)='); disp(PD_111,'Planar density of plane 111(in atoms/mm^2)=');