//Exam:14.5 clc; clear; close; q=1.6*10^(-19);//charge (in C) d_1=0.06//shift of the titanium ion from the body centre (in Å) d_2=0.08//shift of the oxygen anions of the side faces (in Å) d_3=0.06//shift of the oxygen anions of the top and bottom face (in Å) D_1=d_1*10^(-10);//shift of the titanium ion from the body centre (in m) D_2=d_2*10^(-10);//shift of the oxygen anions of the side faces (in m) D_3=d_3*10^(-10);//shift of the oxygen anions of the top and bottom face (in m) U_1=4*q*D_1;//dipole moment due to two O2– ions on the four side faces(in C-m) U_2=2*q*D_2;//dipole moment due to one O2– on top and bottom(in C-m) U_3=4*q*D_3;//dipole moment due to one Ti4+ ion at body centre(in C-m) U=U_1+U_2+U_3;//Total dipole moment(in C-m) V=4.03*((3.98)^2)*10^(-30);//volume(in m3) P=U/V;//polarization the total dipole moments per unit volume disp(P,'polarization(in C/m^2)='); disp(U,'==')