clc; clear; //Example 6.9 Tf=298 //Feed temperature in [K] T_dash=373 //[K] Cpf=4 //[kJ/kg.K] fc=0.2 //Final concentration of salt ic=0.05 //Initial concentration mf_dot=20000 //[kg/h] Feed to evaporator mdash_dot=ic*mf_dot/fc //Thick liquor [kg/h] mv_dot=mf_dot-mdash_dot //Water evaporated in [kg/h] lambda_s=2185 //[kJ/kg] lambda=2257 //[kJ/kg] bpr=7 //Boiling point rise[K] T=T_dash+bpr //Boiling point of solution in[K] Ts=39 //Temperature of condensing steam in [K] ms_dot=(mf_dot*Cpf*(T-Tf)+mv_dot*lambda)/lambda_s //Steam consumption in [kg/h] eco=mv_dot/ms_dot //Economy of evaporator Q=ms_dot*lambda_s //[kJ/h] Q=Q*1000/3600 //[J/s] printf("\nHeat load is %d W or J/s",round(Q)); printf("\n\nEconomy of evaporator is %f ",eco); printf("\n\nNOTE:Again there is a calcualtion mistake in book at line 19 of code,it is written as 4041507.1 instead of 40415071 \n\n");