clc; clear; //Example 3.9 v=17.36*10^-6 //Viscosity for air [sq m./s] k=0.0275 //for air ..[W/(m.K)] Cp=1.006 //[kJ/(kg.K)] Npr=0.7 //for air u_inf=2 //[m/s] x=0.2 //[m] Nre_x=u_inf*x/v //Reynolds number at x=0.2 m //Since this is less than 3*10^5 Nnu_x=0.332*sqrt(Nre_x)*(Npr^(1.0/3.0)) hx=Nnu_x*k/x //[W/(sq m.K] //Average value of heat transfer coeff is twice this value h=2*hx //[W/sq m.K)] h=12.3 //Approximation w=1 //width in [m] A=x*w //[sq m] Area of plate Tw=333 //[K] T_inf=300 //[K] Q=h*A*(Tw-T_inf) //Heat flow in [W] printf("\nANSWER:\nHeat flow is :%f W\n",Q) //From both sides of plate: Q=2*Q //[W] printf("\nANSWER\n Heat flow from both sides of plate is %f W",Q);