clc; clear; //Example 3.29 v=18.41*10^-6 //[sq m./s] k=28.15*10^-3 //[W/m.K] Npr=0.7 //Prandtl number Beta=3.077*10^-3 //K^-1 g=9.81 //m/s^2 Tw=350 //[K] T_inf=300 //[K] dT=Tw-T_inf //[K] L=0.3 //[m] //1.Free Convection Ngr=(g*Beta*dT*L^3)/(v^2) //Grashof number Npr=0.7 //Prandtl number Nnu=0.59*(Ngr*Npr)^(1.0/4.0) //Nusselt number h=Nnu*k/L //Average heat transfer coefficient [W/sq m K] printf("\n In free convection,heat transfer coeff,h=%f W/(sq m.K)\n",h) //2.Forced Convestion u_inf=4 //[m/s] Nre_l=u_inf*L/v Nnu=0.664*(Nre_l^(1/2))*(Npr^(1.0/3.0)) //Nusselt number h=Nnu*k/L //[W/sq m.K] printf("\n In forced convection,heat transfer coeff,h=%f W/(sq m.K)\n",h) printf("\n From above it is clear that heat transfer coefficient in forced convection is much larger than that in free convection \n ");