clc; clear; //Example 3.23 vfr=1200 ; //Water flow rate in [l/h] rho=0.98 ; //Density of water in g/[cubic cm] m_dot=vfr*rho //Mass flow rate of water [kg/h] m_dot2=m_dot/3600 //[kg/s] Cp=4.187*10^3 ; //[J/kg.K] Di=0.025 ; //Diameter in [m] mu=0.0006 ; //[kg/(m.s)] Ai=%pi*((Di/2)^2) //Area of cross-section in [m^2] Nre=(Di/mu)*(m_dot2/Ai) //Reynolds number k=0.63 ; //for metal wall in [W/(m.K)] Npr=Cp*mu/k; //Prandtl number //Since Nre>10000 //therefore ,Dittus boelter eqn for heating is Nnu=0.023*(Nre^(0.8))*(Npr^(0.4)) ho=5800 ; //Film heat coefficientW/(m^2.K) hi=Nnu*k/Di //Heat transfer coeffcient in [W/(sq m.K)] Do=0.028 ; //[m] Di=0.025 ; //[m] xw=(Do-Di)/2; //[m] Dw=(Do-Di)/log(Do/Di); //[m] k=50 ; //for metal wall in [W/(m.K)] Uo=1/(1/ho+Do/(hi*Di)+xw*Do/(k*Dw)); //in [W/sq m.K] dT=343-303 ; //[K] dT1=393-303 ; //[K] dT2=393-343 ; //[K] dTm=(dT1-dT2)/log(dT1/dT2); //[K] Cp=Cp/1000; //[in [kJ/kg.K]] Q=m_dot*Cp*dT; //Rate of heat transfer in [kJ/h] Q=Q*1000/3600; //[J/s] or [W] Ao=Q/(Uo*dTm); //Heat transfer area in [sq m] //Also,..Ao=%pi*Do*L ..implies that L=Ao/(%pi*Do) //[m] printf("Length of tube required is %f m",round(L));