clc; clear; //Example 3.22 m_dot=25000 //massflow rate of water [kg/h] rho=992.2 //[kg/m^3] k=0.634 //[W/m.K] vfr=m_dot/rho //[m^3/h] Npr=4.31 //Prandtl numberl Di=50 //[mm] Di=0.05 //[m] dT=10 //[K] as the wall is at a temperature of 10 K above the bulk temperature u=(vfr/3600)/(%pi*(Di/2)^2) //Velocity of water in [m/s] u=3.56 //Approximation //Nre=Di*u*rho/mu=Di*u/v as v=mu/rho v=0.659*10^-6; //[m^2/s] Nre=Di*u/v //Reynolds number //As it is less than 10000,the flow is in the turbulent region for heat transfer and Dittus Boelter eqn is used Nnu=0.023*(Nre^0.8)*(Npr^0.4); //Nusselt number hi=Nnu*k/Di //Heat transfer coefficiet in [W/sq m.K] q_by_l=hi*%pi*Di*dT //Heat transfer per unit length[kW/m] printf("Average value of convective film coefficient is hi= %d W/sq m.K \nHeat transferred per unit length is Q/L=%f kW/m",round(hi),q_by_l/1000);