clc; clear; //Example 3.17 mu=0.8 //Viscosity of flowing fluid [N.s/sq m] rho=1.1 //Density of flowinf fluid [g/cubic cm] rho=rho*1000 //Density in [kg/cubic m] Cp=1.26 //Specific heat [kJ/kg.K] Cp=Cp*10^3 // in[J/(kg.K)] k=0.384 //[W/(m.K)] mu_w=1 //Viscosity at wall temperature [N.s/sq m] L=5 //[m] vfr=300 //Volumetric flow rate in [cubic cm/s] vfr=vfr*10^-6 //[cubic m/s] mfr=vfr*rho //Mass flow rate of flowinf fluid [kg/s] Di=20 //Inside diameter in[mm] Di=Di/1000 //[m] Area=(%pi/4)*Di^2 //Area of cross-section [sq m] u=vfr/Area //Veloctiy in [m/s] Nre=Di*u*rho/mu //Reynold's number //As reynold's number is less than 2100,he flow is laminar Npr=Cp*mu/k //Prandtl number Nnu=1.86*(Nre*Npr*Di/L)^(1.0/3.0)*(mu/mu_w)^(0.14) hi=Nnu*k/Di //inside heat transfer coefficient [W/sq m.K] printf("Inside heat transfer coefficient is %f W/(sq m.K)",hi); //Note: printf("\n The answer given in 1225 is wrong.please redo the calculation of last line manually to check\n");