clc; clear; //Example 2.51 //Given k=75 //Thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)] T_water=363 //[K] T_air=303 //[K] dT=T_water-T_air //delta T h1=150 // for water[W/(sq m.K)] h2=15 //for air [W/(sq m.K)] W=0.5 //Width of wall[m] L=0.025 //[m] Area=W^2 //Base Area [sq m] t=1 //[mm] t=t/1000 //[m] pitch=10 //[mm] pitch=pitch/1000 //[m] N=W/pitch //[No of fins] //Calculations A=N*W*t //Total cross-sectional area of fins in [sq m] Ab=Area-A //[sq m] Af=2*W*L //Surface area of fins [sq m] //CASE 1: HEAT TRANSFER WITHOUT FINS A1=Area //[sq m] A2=A1 //[sq m] Q=dT/(1/(h1*A1)+1/(h2*A2)); //[W] printf("\nWithout fins,Q=%f W\n",Q); //CASE 2: Fins on the water side P=2*(t+W); A=0.5*10^-3; m=sqrt(h1*P/(k*A)) nfw=tanh(m*L)/(m*L) //Effeciency on water side Aew=Ab+nfw*Af*N //Effective area on the water side [sq m] Q=dT/(1/(h1*Aew)+1/(h2*A2)); //[W] printf("\n With fins on water side,Q=%f W \n",Q); //CASE 3: FINS ON THE AIR SIDE m=sqrt(h2*P/(k*A)) nf_air=tanh(m*L)/(m*L) //Effeciency Aea=Ab+nf_air*Af*N //Effective area on air side Q=dT/(1/(h1*A1)+1/(h2*Aea)); //[W] printf("\n With Fins on Air side,Q=%f W \n",Q) //BOTH SIDE: Q=dT/(1/(h1*Aew)+1/(h2*Aea)); //[W] printf("\n With Fins on both side,Q=%f W \n",Q);