clc; clear; //Example 2.47 //Given k=200 //W/(m.K) h=15 //W/(sq m.K) T0=523 //[K] T_inf=288 //[K] theta_0=T0-T_inf dia=25 //diameter[mm] dia=dia/1000 //diameter[m] r=dia/2 //radius in [m] P=%pi*dia //[m] A=%pi*r^2 //[sq m] //For insulated fin: m=sqrt(h*P/(k*A)) L=100 //length of rod in [mm] L=L/1000 //length of rod in [m] Q=theta_0*tanh(m*L)*sqrt(h*P*k*A) //Heat loss //ANSWER-1 printf("Heat loss by the insulated rod is %f W \n",Q) nf=tanh(m*L)/(m*L) //Fin efficiency for insulated fin //ANSWER-2 printf("Fin efficiency is %f percent \n",nf*100) //At the end of the fin: theta/theta_0=(cosh[m(L-x)]/cosh(mL)) //at x=L, theta/theta_0=1/(cosh(mL) T=T_inf+(T0-T_inf)*(1/cosh(m*L)) //[K] //ANSWER-3 printf("Temperature at the end of the fin is %f K \n",T)