clear; clc; //Example 2.36 //Calculate the heat loss per metre of pipe and outer surface temperature //Given k=1 //Thermal conductivity in [W/sq m.K] h=8 //Het transfer coeff in W/sq m.K rc=k/h //Critical radius in m T1=473 //K T2=293 //K r1=0.055 //Outer radius =inner radius in [m] Q_by_L=2*%pi*(T1-T2)/(log(rc/r1)/k+1/(rc*h)) printf("Heat loss per meter of pipe is %f W/m",Q_by_L) //For outer surface //Q_by_L=2*%pi*(T-T2)/(1/rc*h) // implies that, T=T2+Q_by_L/(rc*2*%pi) T=T2+Q_by_L/(rc*2*%pi*h) //K printf("Outer surface temperature is: %f K(%f degree C)",T,T-273)