clc; clear; //Example 2.22 Ts=451; //Steam temperature in [K] Ta=294; //Air temperature in [K] Di=25; //Internal diameter of pipe [mm] Di=Di/1000; //[m] od=33; //Outer diameter of pipe [mm] od=od/1000; //[m] hi=5678; //Inside heat transfer coefficient [W/(m^2.K)] ho=11.36; //Outsideheat transfer coefficient [W/(sq m.K)] xw=(od-Di)/2; //Thickness of steel pipe [m] k2=44.97; //k for steel in W/(m.K) k3=0.175; //k for rockwool in W/(m.K) ti=38/1000; //thickness of insulation in [m] r1=Di/2; //[m] r2=od/2; //[m] rm1=(r2-r1)/log(r2/r1); //[m] r3=r2+ti; //[m] rm2=(r3-r2)/log(r3/r2); //[m] Dm1=2*rm1; //[m] Dm2=2*rm2; //[m] //Rate of heat loss = dT/(sigma_R) L=1; //[m] R1=1/(hi*%pi*Di*L); //[K/W] R2=xw/(k2*%pi*Dm1*L); R3=(r3-r2)/(k3*%pi*Dm2*L); Do=(od+2*ti) ; //[mm] R4=1/(ho*%pi*Do*L); //[m] sigma_R=R1+R2+R3+R4; //Heat loss dT=Ts-Ta; //[K] Q=dT/sigma_R; //Heat loss [W/m] printf("\nAns:Rate of heat loss is %f W/m",Q); printf("\n NOTE:Slight variation in final answer due to lack of precision in calculation of R1,R2,R3 and R4.In book an approximate values of these is taken\n ")