clc; clear; //Example 2.16,Page no 2.36 d1=40; // Diameter of pipe[mm] r1=(d1/2)/1000 //Outside radius in [m] t1=20; //Insulation 1 thickness in [mm] t1=t1/1000 //[m] t2=t1; //Insulation 2 thickness in[m] r2=r1+t1; //radius after 1st insulation in [m] r3=r2+t2; //Radius after second insulation in [m] //Since Scilab does not handles symbolic constants,we will assume some values: //(1) printf("Let the layer M-1 be nearer to the surface") L=1; //[m] T1=10; //Temperature of inner surface of pipe [K] T2=5; //Temperature of outer surface of insulation [K] k=1; //Thermal conductivity k1=k; //For M-1 material k2=3*k; //For material M-2 Q1=(T1-T2)/(log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*L*k1)+log(r3/r2)/(2*%pi*L*k2)) //(2) printf("Let the layer of material M-2 be nearer to the surface"); Q2=(T1-T2)/(log(r2/r1)/(2*%pi*L*k2)+log(r3/r2)/(2*%pi*L*k1)) printf("Q1=%f and Q2= %f \n For dummy variables unity...\nFor any value of k,T1 and T2,Q1 is always less than Q2",Q1,Q2); printf("\n So,M-1 near the surface is advisable(i.e Arrangement one will result i ,ess heat loss\n)"); per_red=(Q2-Q1)*100/Q2 printf("Percent reduction in heat loss is %f percent",per_red) printf("\nNOTE:Slight variation in answers due to less precise calculation in book.If performed manually,this answer stands to be correct")