//Ex:9.8 clc; clear; close; n=0.50;// quantum efficiency e=1.602*10^-19;// charge h=6.626*10^-34;// plank constant c=3*10^8;// speed of light in m/s Eg=1.5*10^-19;// in J y=(h*c)/Eg;// cut off wavelength in m f=c/y; R=(n*e)/(h*f);// responsivity in A/W Ip=2.7*10^-6;// photo current in A Po=Ip/R;// incident optical power in W Po1=Po*10^6;// incident optical power in uW printf("The cut off wavelength =%f um", y*10^6); printf("\n The responsivity =%f A/W ", R); printf("\n The incident optical power =%f uW", Po1);