//Ex:10.7 clc; clear; close; y=860*10^-9;// wavelength in m L=5000;// length in m X=0.024; dy=20*10^-9;// spectral width in m dts=6*10^-9;// silica optical link rise time in s dtr=8*10^-9;// detector rise in s c=3*10^8;// speed of light in m/s dtm=-(L*dy*X)/(c*y);// material dispersion delay time in s id=2.5*10^-12;// intermodel dispersion in s/m dti=id*L;// intermodel dispersion delay time dtsy=sqrt((dts^2)+(dtr^2)+(dtm^2)+(dti^2));// system rise time in s Br_max=0.7/dtsy;// max bit rate for NRZ coding in bit/s Br_max1=0.35/dtsy;// max bit rate for RZ coding in bit/s printf("The system rise time =%f ns", dtsy*10^9); printf("\n The max bit rate for NRZ coding =%f Mbit/s", Br_max/10^6); printf("\n The max bit rate for RZ coding =%f Mbit/s", Br_max1/10^6);