//Ex:10.5 clc; clear; close; Tx=-80;// transmitter output in dBm Rx=-40;// receiver sensitivity in dBm sm=32;// system margin in dB L=10;// in km fl=2*L;// fider loss in dB cl=1;// detector coupling loss in dB tl=0.4*8;// total splicing loss in dB ae=5;// angle effects & future splice in dB ta=29.2;// total attenuation in dB Ep=2.8;// excess power margin in dB printf("The fider loss =%f dB", fl); printf("\n The total splicing loss =%f dB", tl); printf("\n The fangle effects & future splice =%f dB", ae); printf("\n The total attenuation =%f dB", ta); printf("\n The excess power margin =%f dB", Ep); printf("\n hence the system can operate with small excess power margin")