//Ex:10.3 clc; clear; close; p=0.5*10^-9;// pulse broadening in s/km L=12;// length in km Pt=p*sqrt(L);// with mode coupling, the total rms broadening in s BT=20*10^6;// DL=2*(2*Pt*BT*sqrt(2))^4;// dispersion equalization penalty in dB Pt1=p*L;// without mode coupling, the total rms broadening in s DL1=2*(2*Pt1*BT*sqrt(2))^4;// without mode coupling, equalization penalty in dB DL2=2*(2*Pt1*150*10^6*sqrt(2))^4;// without mode coupling,dispersion equalization penalty with 125 Mb/s DL3=2*(2*Pt*125*10^6*sqrt(2))^4;// with mode coupling,dispersion equalization penalty with 125 Mb/s printf("with mode coupling, the total rms broadening =%f ns", Pt*10^9); printf("\n The dispersion equalization penalty =%f dB", DL*10^4); printf("\n without mode coupling, the total rms broadening =%f dB", Pt1*10^9); printf("\n without mode coupling, equalization penalty =%f dB", DL1); printf("\n without mode coupling,dispersion equalization penalty with 125 Mb/s =%f dB", DL2); printf("\n with mode coupling,dispersion equalization penalty with 125 Mb/s =%f dB", DL3); printf("\n The answer is wrong in the textbook");