clc; //Example 5.2 //page no. 42 printf("Example 5.2 page no 42\n\n"); //To calculate the force to maintain movement of left plate //velocity of moving plate is equal to the velocity of the plate and velocity of the gas at the surface of the stationary plate is zero k=1.66//kinamatic viscosity of gas rho=0.08//density of gas d=0.0833//distance between plate v1=300//velocity of left plate v2=0//velocity of stationary plate g_c=4.17*10^(8)//gravitational constant printf("given \n kinamatic viscosity =%2f ft^2/hr\n rho=%2f lb/ft^3\n d=%4f ft\n v1=%f ft/hr\n v2=%f ft/hr\n gc=%f (ft*lb/hr)/lbf*hr",k,rho,d,v1,v2,g_c); tou_xy=-k*rho*((v2-v1)/(g_c*d))//the frce necessary to mantain the movement of the left plate printf("\n force tou_xy=%f lbf/ft^2",tou_xy);