clc; //Example 29.6 //page no 458 printf("Example 29.6 page no 458\n\n"); //a baghouse has been used to clean a particulate gas steam l_i=5//inlet loading,grains/ft^3 l_o=0.03//outlet loading,grains/ft^3 l_o_max=0.4//maximum outlet loading,grains/ft^3 E_b=(l_i-l_o)/l_i//efficiency before bag failure P_t=1-E_b//penetration before bag failure E=(l_i-l_o_max)/l_i//efficiency on regulatory conditions P_t_r=1-E//penetration regulatory conditons P_tc=P_t_r-P_t//penetration associated with failed bags printf("\n penetration associated with failed bags P_tc=%f ",P_tc); P_drop=6//pressure drop,in of H2O T=250//temperature,deg F q=50000//volumetric flow rate,acfm D=8//diamter of bags,in L= q*P_tc/(0.582*P_drop^0.5*D^2*(T+460)^0.5)//number of bag failure that the system can tolerate and still remain in compliance printf("\n no. of bags L=%f ",L); //thus if two bags fail,baghouse is out of complance