clc; //Example 28.8 //page no 436 printf("Example 28.8 page no 436\n\n"); //we have to determine the siaze an aerobic digester to treat the solids m=1000//mass of solid that is generate by municipality,lb OL=0.2//organic loading,lbcs/ft^ VS=.78//volatile solids V_ol=m*VS/OL//volume based on organic loading printf("\n volume based on organic loading V_ol=%f ft^3",V_ol); t_h=20//detention time hydraulic, days TS=0.044//percentage solids enterning digester V_hl=m*t_h/(TS*8.33*7.48)//volume based on hydrulic load printf("\n volume based on hyraulic load V_hl=%f ft^3",V_hl); //since V_hl >V_ol,the hdraulic time controls and the design volume is V_hl