clc; //Example 28.7 //page no 435 printf("\n Example 28.7 page no 435\n\n") //waste water treatment plant //we have to compare the total nitrogen discharge from the watershed with that of the city 's sewage treatment plant q_w=10//flow rate from waste water treatment plant c=35//nitoren concentration,mg/l m_dot_w=c*q_w*8.34//discharge from the treatment plant printf("\n fdischarge from the treatment plant m_dot_w=%f lb/day",m_dot_w); S=8//area of watershed,mi^2 r=0.06//rate of rainfall,ml/day n=.5//50% rain reaches the sewers q=n*r*S*(5280^2/(3600*12))//volumetric flow rate of the runoff c_r=9//tota; nitrogen conentration in runoff,mg/l rho=62.4///density of water m_r=q*c_r*1e-6*(3600*24)*rho//total nitrogen discharge from runoff printf("\n total nitrogen discharge m_r=%f lb/day ",m_r); //since the durinf rain ,the runoff is over 2.5 times that for the tratment plant