clc; //Example 28.5 //page no 433 printf("\n Example 28.5 page no 433\n\n"); //we have to determine the number if filtering bags required and cleaning frequency for a plant equipped with a fabric system q=50000//volumetric flow rate of gas stream,acfm v_f=10//filteration velocity,ft/min D=1//diameter of filtering bag,ft L=15//length of filtering bag,ft S_c=q/v_f//filtering area,ft^2 S=%pi*D*L//area per bag,ft^2 N=S_c/S//no. of bags printf("\n no. of bags N=%f ",N); c=0.0007143//dust concentration ,lb/ft^2 P_drop=8//pressure drop ,in H20 t=(P_drop-(0.2*v_f))/(5*c*v_f^2)//time sic ethe bags were cleaned printf("\n time t=%f min",t);