clc; //Example 26.9 //page no 394 printf("Example 26.9 page no 394\n\n"); //turbulent flow of water through a carbon bed d_p=0.001//particle diameter meu=0.001//viscosity of water e=0.25//porosity R_e=1000//R_e is >1000 for turbulent flow,for minimum pressure drop rho=1000//density of water,kg/m^3 v_s=R_e*meu*(1-e)/(d_p*rho)//superficial velocity printf("\n superficial velocity v_s=%f m/s",v_s); phi_s=1//spehercity L=0.5//length of bed,m P_drop = 1.75*rho*L*v_s^2*(1-e)/(phi_s*d_p*(e^3))//presssure drop printf("\npressure drop P_drop=%f Pa",P_drop);