clc; //Example 26.3 //page no 384 printf("Example 26.3 page no 384\n\n"); //refer to Example 26.2 //a water softner unit consists of a large diameter tank ,the bottom of tank is connected to a vertical ion exchange pipe h_f=1.25//total fluid height h_l=h_f g=32.174//grav. acc e=0.25// bed porosity d_p=0.00417//ion exchange resin particle diameter,ft L=1//pipe length ,ft //assume turbulent flow ,apply burke purmer equation v_s=sqrt(g*h_f*e^3*d_p/(1.75*(1-e)*L))//superficial velocity printf("\n superficial velocity v_s=%f ft/s",v_s); meu=6.76e-4//absolute viscosity of water rho=62.4//density of water //check for turbulent flow R_e=d_p*v_s*rho/((1-e)*meu) printf("\n R_e=%f",R_e); //since reynold no is low the calculation is not valid //assume laminar flow and use Blake-Kozeny equation 26.9 v_s_t=rho*g*h_f*e^3*d_p^2/(150*meu*((1-e)^2)*L)//superficial velocity printf("\n superficial velocity v_s_t=%f ft/s",v_s_t); //check the porous medium reynolds no R_e_t=v_s_t*d_p*rho/((1-e)*meu) printf("\n reynolds no R_e_t=%f ",R_e_t); //since reynolds no R_e < 10,the flow is therfor laminar //calculation of the pressure drop due to friction and the pressure drop across the resin bed k=e^3*d_p^2/(150*(1-e)^2)//packed bed permeability P_drop_fr=rho*h_f//friction pressure drop across resin bed,psf printf("\n fricion pressure drop P_drop_fr=%f psf",P_drop_fr); z_d=-1//length from point 2 to 3,ft P_drop_r=rho*(z_d+h_f)//pressure drop across the resi bed printf("\n pressure drop across across the resin bed P_drop_r=%f psf",P_drop_r);