clc; //Example 23.7 //page no 340 printf("\n Example 23.7 page no 340\n\n"); // In a plant manufacturing ivory soap detergent explodes one windy day //we have to calculate the distance from the plant where the soap particles will start to deposit and where they will cease to deposit //the smallest particle wll travel the greatest distance while the largest will travel the least distance //for the minimumdistance ,we use largest particle D_l=3.28e-3//largest diameter,ft g=32.174//grav. acc. SG=0.8//specific gravity of soap particle rho_w=62.4 rho_p=SG*rho_w//density of particle rho_a=0.0752//density of given atmosphere,lb/ft^3 meu=1.18e-5//viscosity K_l = D_l*(g*(rho_p-rho_a)*rho_p/(meu^2))^(1/3)//dimensionless constant printf("\n dimensionless constant K_l=%f ",K_l); //value of K indicates the intermediate range applies //the settling velocity is given by v_l=0.153*g^0.71*D_l^1.14*rho_p^0.71/(meu^0.43*rho_a^0.29) printf("\n settling velocity v_l=%f ft/s",v_l); H=400//vertical height blowen by particle,ft t_l=H/v_l//descent time v_w=20//wind velocity in miles/h L=t_l*v_w*(5280/3600)//horizontal distance travelled by particles printf("\n descent time t_l=%f second\n horizontal distance L=%f ft",t_l,L); //for the minimum distance we use smallest particle D_s=6.89e-6//diameter of smallest particle,ft K_s=D_s*(g*(rho_p-rho_a)*rho_a/(meu^2))^(1/3) printf("\n dimensionless constant K_s=%f ",K_s); //velocity is in the stokes regime and is given by v_s=g*D_s^2*rho_p/(18*meu) printf("\n settling velocity v_s=%f ft/s",v_s); t_s=H/v_s//descent time L_s=t_s*v_w*(5280/3600)//horizontal distance travelled printf("\n descent time t_s=%f s\nhorizontal distance travelled by smallest particle L_s=%f ft",t_s,L_s); m=100*2000//mass of particles V_act=m/rho_p//actual volume of particles e=0.5//void fraction V_b=V_act/e//bulk volume printf("\ actual volume V_act=%f ft^3\nbulk volume V_b=%f ",V_act,V_b); L_d=L_s-L//length of drop area printf("\n L_d=%f ",L_d); W=100//width ,ft A_d=L_d*W//deposition area H_d=V_b/A_d//deposition height printf("\n deposition height H_d=%f ft",H_d); //deposition height can be ,at bestt, described asa sprinkling