clc; //Example 19.2 //page no 250 printf("Example 19.2 page no 250\n\n"); //pitot tube is located at the center line of a horizontal pipe transporting air rho=0.075//density of gas ,lb/ft^2 h=0.0166667//height difference,ft g=32.2//gravitational acc. lb/ft^2 rho_m=62.4//density of medium which is air v=sqrt(2*g*h*(rho_m-rho)/rho)//velocity printf("\n velocity v=%f ft/s",v); v_max=v//because at that point where the reading was taken is the centerline printf("\n maximum veocity v_max=%f ft/s",v_max); //since the flowing fluid is air at a high velocity the flow has a high probability of being turbilent .from chapter 14,assume //v_av/v_max=0.815 v_av=v_max*0.815 printf("\n average velocity v_av=%f ft/s",v_av);