//Example 2.1 //(a)calculate the steady state rate of heat gain . //(b), th etemp. of interfaces of composite wall. //(c)the percentage of total heat transfer resistance. //additional thickness of cork. //Given A=1 //m^2, area //for inner layer (cement) ti=0.06 //m, thickness ki=0.72 //W/m C, thermal conductivity Ti=-15 //C, temprature //for middle layer (cork) tm=0.1 //m, thickness km=0.043 //W/m C, thermal conductivity //for outer layer(brick) to=0.25 //m, thickness ko=0.7 //W/m C, thermal conductivity To=30 //C, temprature //Calculation //Thermal resistance of outer layer //C/W Ro=to/(ko*A) //Thermal resistance of middle layer //C/W Rm=tm/(km*A) //Thermal resistance of inner layer //C/W Ri=ti/(ki*A) Rt=Ro+Rm+Ri tdf=To-Ti //temp driving force //(a) Q=tdf/Rt //rate of heat gain printf("the rate of heat gain is %f W\n",Q) //(b) //from fig. 2.4 td1=Q*to/(ko*A) //C temp. drop across the brick layer T1=To-td1 //interface temp. between brick and cork //similarly td2=Q*tm/(km*A) //C temp. drop across the cork layer T2=T1-td2 //C, interface temp. between cement and cork printf("interface temp. between brick and cork is %f C\n",T1) printf("interface temp. between cement and cork is %f C\n",T2) //(c) Rpo=Ro/Rt //thermal resistance offered by brick layer Rpm=Rm/Rt //thermal resistance offered by cork layer Rpi=Ri/Rt //thermal resistance offered by cement layer printf("thermal resistance offered by brick layer is %f percent\n",Rpo*100) printf("thermal resistance offered by cork layer is %f percent\n",Rpm*100) printf("thermal resistance offered by cement layer is %f percent\n",Rpi*100) //second part x=30 //percentage dec in heat transfer Q1=Q*(1-x/100) //W, desired rate of heat flow Rth=tdf/Q1 //C/W, required thermal resistance Rad=Rth-Rt //additional thermal resistance Tad=Rad*km*A printf("Additional thickness of cork to be provided =%f cm",Tad*100)