//Harriot P.,2003,Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition) Marcel Dekker,Inc.,USA,pp 436 //Chapter-7 Ex7.6.d Pg No.300 //Title:Effect on dissolved oxygen concentration. //====================================================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT C_O2_critical=1*10^(-3);//Critical O2 Concentration (g/L) percent_reduction=40/100;//Mass transfer coefficient in the upper region of the reactor is 40% less than the average kLa_soln=0.22;//Value calculated in Ex7.6.d r_conv=1.25*10^(-5);//Rate at peak O2 demand (mol/L sec) C_O2_star=1.45*10^(-4);// Concentration of O2 calculated in Ex7.6.c M_O2=32;//Molecular weight of O2 Press_top=1;//Pressure at the top of the vessel (atm) depth=12;//Depth of reactor (m) one_atm_water=10.3;//1 atm pressure corresponds to 10.3 (m) height of water //CALCULATION depth_ave=depth/2; Press_ave=(Press_top+(depth_ave/one_atm_water));//Pressure at average depth (atm) kLa_soln_reduced=kLa_soln*(1-percent_reduction); C_star_minus_C=r_conv/kLa_soln_reduced; C_O2_new=(C_O2_star-(C_star_minus_C)); C_O2_new_conv=C_O2_new*M_O2*1000;//Converted value of O2 concentration in(mg/L) C_O2_star_new=C_O2_star/Press_ave; //OUTPUT //Console Output mprintf('\n\tThe new calculated value of average dissolved O2 concentration %0.1f (mg/L)',C_O2_new_conv); mprintf('\n\tThe new calculated value of critical dissolved O2 concentration %0.1E (mol/L)',C_O2_star_new); if(C_star_minus_C>C_O2_star_new) mprintf('\n\tThe reactor is operated above critical O2 concentration '); else mprintf('\n\tThe reactor should be operated at higher air rate otherwise C_O2 would drop to zero') end //File Output fid= mopen('.\Chapter7_Ex6_d_Output.txt','w'); mfprintf(fid,'\n\tThe new calculated value of average dissolved O2 concentration %0.1f (mg/L)',C_O2_new_conv); mfprintf(fid,'\n\tThe new calculated value of critical dissolved O2 concentration %0.1E (mol/L)',C_O2_star_new); if(C_star_minus_C>C_O2_star_new) mfprintf(fid,'\n\tThe reactor is operated above critical O2 concentration '); else mfprintf(fid,'\n\tThe reactor should be operated at higher air rate otherwise C_O2 would drop to zero'); end mclose('all'); //====================================================END OF PROGRAM====================================================