//Harriot P., 2003, Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition), Marcel Dekker, Inc., USA, pp 436. //Chapter-6 Ex6.1.b Pg No.236 //Title:Speed of stirrer and increase in blending time //==================================================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT n=5; P_by_V_limit=10;//Pressure per unit volume (HP/1000gal) P_by_V1=59;//Pressure per unit volume from Ex6.1.a n1=5; //CALCULATION n_limit=(P_by_V_limit/P_by_V1)^(1/3) *n1;//Pressure per unit vol propotional to n3 t_inc_factor=n1/n_limit;//t inversely propotional to n rotational_speed=n_limit*60;//Speed in rpm //OUTPUT //Console Output mprintf('\n The speed of the stirrer = %.2f sec-1 or %.0f rpm',n_limit,rotational_speed); mprintf('\n Blending time increases by factor of %.2f ',t_inc_factor); //File Output fid= mopen('.\Chapter6_Ex1_b_Output.txt','w'); mfprintf(fid,'\n The speed of the stirrer = %.2f sec-1 or %.0f rpm',n_limit,rotational_speed); mfprintf(fid,'\n Blending time increases by factor of %.2f ',t_inc_factor); mclose(fid); //==================================================END OF PROGRAM===================================================