//Harriot P.,2003,Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition) Marcel Dekker,Inc.,USA,pp 436. //Chapter-3 Ex3.4 Pg No. 101 //Title:Volume of reactor for Gas Phase isothermal reaction //================================================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT //First Order Reaction //Basis: 1mol of feed k=0.45;//Rate constant of first order reaction(s-1) v0=120;//Volumetric flow rate(cm3/s) C_A0=0.8;//Initial amount of reactant A (mol) X_A=0.95;//Conversion in terms of reactant A C_inert=0.2;//Concentration of inert (Nitrogen)in feed //CALCULATION E_A=((2*C_A0+C_inert)-(C_A0+C_inert))/(C_A0+C_inert);//Volume fraction Tot_mol=(C_A0+C_inert)+(E_A);//Total No. of moles V=v0*((-(E_A)*X_A)+Tot_mol*(log(1/(1-X_A))))/(k);//Refer Performance Equation equation 3.44 and 3.42 in Pg No. 100 V_l=V*10^-3;//Volume of reactor in liters //OUTPUT mprintf('\n\tThe Volume of the reactor required for the given conversion is %.0f cm3 or %0.2f liters',V,V_l); //FILE OUTPUT fid= mopen('.\Chapter3-Ex4-Output.txt','w'); mfprintf(fid,'\n\tThe Volume of the reactor required for the given conversion is %.0f cm3 or %0.2f liters',V,V_l); mclose(fid); //==============================================================END OF PROGRAM==========================================